basic sailing terminology

Basic Sailing terminology
Bow: is the forward part of the hull of ship # Stern: is the back part of the ship.
Port: is the left hand side of the boat facing the bow # Starboard: is the right hand side of the boat facing the bow.
Windward: is the upwind direction # lee: is the downwind direction.
Boom: is the horizontal pole along the bottom edge of the boat which improves control of the main sail.
Main sail/maestra: the main sail of a sailing boat that is located on the main mast of the vessel.
Genoa: is a sail that is located on the bow part of the yacht.
Rudder: is a primary control surface that steers the boat.
Tacking: is the maneuver by which a sailing boat changes sides by turning upwind # Jibing : is a maneuver by which a sailing boat changes sides by turning downwind.